We recruit for you directly from where your employees are. This enables us to recruit sufficient workers from a wide range of professions and educational levels better than any recruitment agency in Germany. Our cooperation with public and private employment agencies as well as universities and colleges is proven, sustainable and resilient. The reach of our offer is complemented by our social media team, which places appealing campaigns on all relevant platforms with its finger on the pulse.

Crucial to quality assurance is the selection process and staff support with native Bulgarian speakers directly on site. This is how we ensure that your professionals from Bulgaria meet the requirements of your clients. We check language and technical skills and, if necessary, obtain the necessary certifications.

It is essential for the required quantity that the logistics are secured. As a Bulgarian personnel service provider, we not only have exclusive access to the Bulgarian labour market, but also offer assistance with the employees’ business trips to their place of work. In this way, we ensure that your employees are in the right place at the right time and can react quickly and adequately in the event of unscheduled delays.


Tap into the Bulgarian labour market flexibly and without risk. With us, you do not need to employ an internal recruitment agency. We provide you with our services as a partner. Especially in times of the pandemic, it became clear once again how important it is for companies to be able to breathe. Traditionally, the task of flanking market fluctuations for small and medium-sized businesses has been taken on by temporary employment agencies. But it has long been overlooked that temporary employment agencies themselves have few options for adjusting the personnel costs of internal staff to external conditions.

With us, you are in a position to organise your recruitment according to demand. Our offer adapts to your company and provides flexible solutions for you and your clients.

Entrust us with the recruitment of Bulgarian professionals in whole or in part and benefit even more from the opening of the European labour market in the future! We will help you out where you lack capacity. Whether you need a holistic personnel service including selection and movement or you are simply interested in data from competent personnel, Workgigant offers you reinforcement and turns even the weakest link into a scalable component in your value chain!


Personnel costs account for the lion’s share of costs in every company. This is also the case in temporary employment. As your personnel service provider in Bulgaria, we can offer a far more favourable cost structure than a comparable service provider based in Germany. At the same time, we have first-class recruiters whose knowledge of the language and local customs is hard to find in Germany.

The flat cost curve in terms of direct personnel costs, such as wages, salaries and their variable components, has a direct impact on non-wage costs, as it does in Germany. We pass on these and other efficiency gains associated with Bulgaria as a business location to you, thus ensuring lower personnel costs with a higher standard of quality.

Our personnel services for you thus relate to much more than the mere procurement of external staff. We are your recruitment agency abroad. Permanent contact persons in Bulgaria and in Germany, who speak both Bulgarian and German, respond to your individual wishes and realise your requirements according to your specifications.


Krassimira Minkova

